Staff & Boards

Staff & Boards
Collegiate Rowing
TRRA is the host to three college rowing programs
Getting Started - Beginners
Begin your rowing or paddling journey at TRRA!
Click HERE for Youth Rowing Programs

Winter and Summer Rowing Leagues
Winter Rowing League is an entirely indoor program designed for beginners and experienced rowers. It meets once a week during the winter months when river conditions are less favorable.
Summer Rowing League is offered in two summertime blocks and is friendly to both beginners and seasoned rowers. Post-practice cookouts add to the fun and networking opportunities. Gather some friends or coworkers and make a team.
Adult Learn To Row
Adult Learn to Row (ALTR) is TRRA’s newest adult program! This program focuses on fostering safe and positive on-the-water learning environment. ​This program launches from our Millvale Training Center located at 90 Riverfront Dr. in Millvale Riverfront Park.
Program details:
For beginner rowers with less than one year of continuous experience or no experience.
20-rower limit per block
Sculling and Sweep skills
Erg, Tank & On-the-water instruction
Rowers may register for as many blocks as desired.
Link & Registration Coming Soon.

Private Lesson
Why take private lessons?
To learn about rowing and how to row a single rowing shell
Be able to row on your own without a coach (Logbook Sculling)
Enhance your sculling skills
Sculling lessons will be personalized to suit your experience and goals, and can be scheduled for 1 or 2 people at a time. Scheduling is based on coach availability.
Paddling/Dragon Boating
Enjoy the multiple benefits of belonging to a Dragon Boat team. Both Pittsburgh Paddlefish and the Hearts of Steel programs offer opportunities for teamwork, camaraderie, physical fitness, social outings, and competition.