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November 2020 - Community Update

Writer: mattlogue6mattlogue6

Dear TRRA Community,

Welcome to the 11th month of the longest fast year in recent memory. With 24 weeks of on-water rowing and paddling behind us, the sun is setting on our 2020 season. Beginning this weekend, the staff of TRRA will begin the process of winterizing our campuses. Safety conditions permitting, rowing and paddling will still be able to take place while we start to winterize. All community members should be prepared to see some things start to move around on land and around the docks over the next few weeks and adapt accordingly. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we will not be hosting a community-wide fall clean up day this year and we appreciate everyone's understanding of the gradual winterization process that the staff will be starting this week.

While our water season may be coming to an end, our work is not done. The 2020 Annual Campaign enters its second month and still has some ground (or water) to cover. I am going to give us all a break from the news and not share any statistics, percentages, or amounts collected to date. I do want to thank everyone who has already contributed or pledged contributions to our annual campaign - your support during this rollercoaster of a year is greatly appreciated. We are well aware of and grateful for the support of our entire TRRA community throughout 2020 and hope that each of you are able to share our annual campaign, and our Why I row/paddle stories, and your experiences with your networks and communities.

As Ambassadors of TRRA, we are able to expand our reach and engage a broader audience to help us reach our annual campaign goals. We are here to support you as Ambassadors so please reach out if we can be of any assistance.

I hope that everyone is able to get out and enjoy the upcoming weekend of great weather and that you continue to stay safe and healthy!

Be Well,

Matt Logue Executive Director


Given the up and down temperatures of the last week, we have received several questions about safe temperatures for on-water rowing and paddling.

  • TRRA Safety Matrix: The TRRA Safety Matrix is our guiding document for all on-water activities. Here is a link to both the Rowing & Paddling Safety matrices.

  • The 90-Degree Rule: This “rule of thumb” was shared with the TRRA community last week and is an industry-standard for safe rowing/paddling practices. The rule states that when the combination of water temperature and air temperature is 90-degrees or below, boats with less than 4-oars or paddles cannot go out on the water.

The 90-degree Rule is conditional based on our TRRA Safety Matrix thresholds. For example:

  • If the air temperature is 60 degrees and the water temperature is 48 degrees, we are operating in Zone 3 (because the water is below 50 degrees) and all criteria of Zone 3 must be met. Anytime the water temperature is below 50 degrees, single-person boats (shells, kayaks, OC’s, etc.) are not allowed on the water.

  • If the air temperature is 35 degrees and the water temperature is 51 degrees, the 90-degree rule kicks in and all boats must have a minimum of 4-oars/paddles.

Given that we are restricted to small boats due to the pandemic, We understand how these rules can be confusing and frustrating as we all try to squeeze in as much rowing/paddling as we can. It is important, especially this year with the increased number of new and less experienced small boat users, that each of these standards are followed to ensure the safest on-water opportunities possible for everyone. The risk of hypothermia is always high in our sports and even higher at this time of year. Everyone must recognize this, use common sense when planning rowing/paddling sessions, and adhere to Matrix and guidelines as outlined.

Temperatures look promising for the next week which will hopefully raise the water temperature and allow for a few more on water opportunities this year. Be smart and be safe!


Three Rivers Rowing Association is facing a shortage of funds. Thanks to champions and supporters like you, we are hopeful that we will get through the tough times that many nonprofits like us are currently experiencing.

All contributions received during the Annual Campaign will go directly towards supporting our TRRA staff and to only the most necessary expenses needed to ensure that TRRA is able to endure the length of this pandemic and be fully equipped to return to team boats once it has been deemed safe to do so. Please consider supporting TRRA with a year-end donation.


Were you supporting your candidates of choice with a yard sign? Good news, they can be recycled! The Department of Public Works and the Clean Pittsburgh Commission are launching a recycling initiative to keep campaign yard signs out of landfills after the general election. Both the plastic film and the metal stands are recyclable. People should separate the plastic and metal before dropping the material off at one of three Department of Public Works Divisions locations.

Drop off locations include:

  • East End Drop-Off Center at 6814 Hamilton Ave.

  • Hazelwood Drop-Off Center at 40 Melanchton St.

  • West End Drop-Off Center at 1330 Hassler St.

Participants can drop off their campaign signs at these sites on weekdays from 6 a.m. till 2 p.m. from Nov. 4 through Dec. 4.


We hope that you enjoyed the first installment of the Why I Row/Paddle series featuring Jenn from Hearts of Steel. This initiative is meant to amplify the voices of our TRRA community. For the remainder of the year, we will share a weekly story from one of our programs as we celebrate the impact of our entire TRRA community. Contact CJ ( if you would either personally like to be featured or recommend someone else be featured in the weekly series.


5 Time Recipient of the
USRowing Club of the Year Award

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300 Waterfront Drive

Pittsburgh, PA 15222

412-231-TRRA (8772)


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