Ringing in this Staff Saturdays is TRRA's newest addition, Bella Deluliis!! Bella is a TRYR Assistant Coach & Learn to Row head coach!
How did you get into rowing and what is your background in the sport?
🎤 "I began rowing freshman year of high school. A friend was on the team and convinced me to come check out a practice, after the first day I was hooked. Initially I was a rower, then beginning of my first year on varsity I got injured and started coxing. I ended up loving coxing and had the opportunity to cox on the guys team. Senior year, 2021, we qualified the guys 4+ for Youth Nationals which was an amazing experience. That summer I began coaching the youth Learn to Row program, then coached at TRYR last spring, was head coach of Learn to Row last summer, and am coaching TRYR again this spring and will be coaching Learn to Row again this summer."
What brings you to Three Rivers?
🎤 "There’s truly such a special community at Three Rivers that keeps me coming back. I love working with other coaches and athletes who are passionate about improving skill in the sport, and also growing as people. I am learning all the time from both the coaches and athletes and enjoy every day."
What is your favorite part of the club?
🎤 "The staff and members who are incredibly committed to creating an inclusive, positive environment for all to grow in."